fimmtudagur, júlí 26, 2012

angry people. it weighs heavy on my shoulders. the way angry people spit out words and despite my own angry moments, angry people make my jaw clench as I try and hold back tears. everything seems so simple from the outside looking in, and it is so incredibly hard for me to watch someone be angry for no purpose. how simplistic and how wasteful anger seems when it is not your own. angry people. I spend so much time shutting out the world. the way angry people want you to be angry with them. the way you’re pulled in despite all your efforts to remain outside, and now you’re an angry person. when all you ever wanted was for angry people to see the simple answers, but now you’re angry, and it is so incredibly hard to stop being angry when you think you have purpose. how important and valuable anger seems when it is your own. angry people, and the way the world won’t let you hate anger. angry people and the way it weighs heavy on my shoulders. angry people. I spend so much time shutting out the world, but now I’m an angry person. when all I ever wanted was for you to see the simple answer. when I just wanted something to be simple, but now it’s complicated, because it’s filled with anger.

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