laugardagur, júlí 21, 2012

you’re not as brave as you used to be. at one time, you would have flown around the world just to stand by someones side. but now you fear to move from the comfort of the spot you’re in. you used to chase after dreams with an impatience of vision. and now all you ever do is sit still. I used to be so proud of you. and now you’re just another disappointment. what must have frightened you so, that you would fear to try? when I see you looking back at me in the reflection, all that I see is a weak and weary cut-winged bird. you used to have such fine feathers that you loved to display with pride. and all you are now is a flightless, fearful, bird. what has become of you, what has changed you so? I guess I blame the world a lot for the way people are and act. but of all the things I’ve ever learned, it’s that who I am is who I have created and not what the world has made of me. I think I used to be stronger than I am right now. and that in turn has made me seem weak. but perhaps it is not weakness but understanding that has stopped my flight. and maybe it’s alright to be fearful of the way the changes feel. you’re not as brave as you used to be. a message to myself. I used to be so proud of you with your fine feathers. and now all I see is a weak and weary cut-winged bird. I’m not as brave as I used to be.