laugardagur, júlí 28, 2012

may the walls you build be paper-thin, and your bridges firm as mountains. may you always be translucent, and may you always remain a mystery. you must be as strong as redwood and as gentle as a lily.  you must not let the waters sweep you away, but you must bend like tree branches with the wind.  may you hold tightly to everything, and may you know how to suddenly let go. may you be bold as a lion, and yet meek as a tamed mustang. you must love as wildly as a sunbeam, and forgive as easily as the scorched earth. you must be brave and face the thundering skies, but learn the comfort of crying in the rain. may you never have to say goodbye, and may you live like you already said it. may you stand your ground all alone, and may you never leave anyone behind. you must be able to be heard above the crowds, and whisper softly in anothers ear. you must wield a sword of fire, and a scepter of peace. this is my hope for you, that you may have all the passion and grace to lead and be led. that you may have all the best parts of good, and all the lessons learned from bad. that you may be a mix of every piece of broken, renewed, treasures. this is my hope for you. may you never be disappointed in this beautiful journey, filled with heartache and happy, earned, tears.

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