fimmtudagur, júlí 19, 2012

Humans are so predictable. have you ever noticed how we talk about the weather? how the way the clouds form gives us cause for conversation, but it's of no purpose unless we're weather forecasters. how the rain falling is a speech and how the sun burning or the snow filtering is a poem? we talk about it like we care about it and like it's important. but I think that it's just a space filler. it's something to say. something to discuss. I feel we have lost the beauty and understanding of how good silence is for us. how sometimes there shouldn't be any speaking and more listening to everything. we humans are so predictable in how we talk about the weather. and how we talk about so little of any importance. have you even noticed that we talk about the same things, all the time? we talk about what's happening tomorrow. what's happening today. we talk about what happened. we talk about what we want. we talk about how time changes mess us up for days. we talk about weekends. we talk about holidays. we talk about mondays. we talk. we talk. we talk. we talk. I'm so completely tired of how us humans talk. aren't you? aren't you tired of just saying the same things over and over again and never having anything be different? i'm tired of it. I don't want to be predictable. and by that very desire I am falling into the predictability of humans. we are so predictable and there is nothing new and nothing exciting. nothing to be amazed by. nothing to be intrigued by. nothing to put passion into. because it's all predictable. and it's all meaningless. so let's talk about the weather and lets talk about the world and lets talk about the things that don't change because we cannot grasp the things that could change. that's what we are. little, purposeless, predictable, humans. it's been raining lately. I wish the sun would shine.