sunnudagur, júlí 15, 2012

Everyone has had one of those mornings. The ones that you wake up expecting great things, yet as the moments of the day unfold you find that rather than greatness, you meet with so much that's filled with wrong. How does this happen? Why? How can you go to sleep with perfect happiness and wake up to a day that doesn't seem to go right? How can a mere few hours of sleep change so much? I guess I've been wondering about this lately because my life is currently a rollercoaster. Just like every other college student. Highschool student. Middle school. Elementary. Oh just like every other person in the world maybe. Maybe there are some exceptions, some lucky blissful ones who have perfect days or at least good days. Maybe some people out there go through life without much pain. Maybe they've just learned the secret behind going through pain and never minding. I guess I'm just not one of them. I've had my fair share of good and I've had my fair share of bad. And I don't mind it so much... I just don't understand it a lot. I seldom talk about my faith and how it affects me, and that bothers me. Because I feel like it should make me stronger and it should make life easier. But most times I tend to feel like my faith does just the opposite. I hate that. But it's true. Having faith helps me through everything, no doubt. But it doesn't keep me from hating every moment of trouble and pain. I guess because everyone has had one of those mornings... And I just want to be a special one who doesn't have to. But I'm just like everyone. I'm no different. I struggle. I learn. And I want to be better. Because I'm tired of those mornings, but I know they'll still come. So I want to learn to expect them and grow and become stronger because of each one. I don't often talk about my faith... But I want you to know I want to be better. And this is the only way I know how. To not disdain one of those mornings and to know that through this faith perhaps I can see those mornings for what they are... A chance opportunity to get where I want to be. A chance to be better. Today when I woke up, it was one of those mornings. I hope tomorrow morning isn't one of them, but if it is... I hope I'll remember to take the chance thats been offered to me. I hope I'll grow through it. Everyone has had one of those mornings. So wake up expecting great things... And when all feels wrong, know that perhaps it is right as it should be. And that one of those mornings is just a chance. A beautiful, painful, wondrous, chance.