sunnudagur, júlí 15, 2012

at first glance a person can seem simple. they’ve got their talents, their likes and dislikes, their family, their information. nothing difficult. nothing out of the ordinary. at second glance a person can still seem simple. they wear shoes without laces and eat pb&j’s every day. that seems simple. but when you finally get past the face and the laughs and the quirks, you realize the complexity of a person.  you see the way they grow sad when they watch a sunrise. and how they tend to glance at the ground. you see the way they light up at something insignificant. only it isn’t insignificant. because they’re complex. a person is made up of a box of tiny fragments found in unusual places and brought together to form a soul. and tell me, how can that be simple? a soul is as intricate as a spiders web, or the fibers in a grain of sand. at first glance they’re just a body. at second glance they’ve become a face. and when you finally get past appearances, you are introduced to a complex and wild and moving and fantastical creature. sometimes I feel like I seem so simple to others. because my likes and dislikes are settled in place and I like to eat pb&j’s every day, and wear shoes without laces. I don’t like to read books with fancy words and I hate that my hair is curly. those things seem simple. they seem easy. but i’m not simple, as much as I would like to be. my soul is sometimes too complex to put into words, much like every soul is. and I suppose the thing about souls is that they tend to stay hidden. and it’s only after someone looks close that they can see the traces of soul written on the outside of a persons skin. maybe all I really need is for my soul to be simplified so that others could see and understand. but that would make it not a soul, just another fake replica shaped crudely into a simple form. and souls are not simple. and neither am I.

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